About Nuggets of Hope

Vision: To restore hope to the hopeless, joy to the broken hearted and peace to the troubled through empowerment, education and the application of the word of God.

Inspiration: I had been a youth pastor both in Nigeria and UK. Just before the lockdown God began to speak to me that the youths I was teaching in church were not those who really needed my input anymore as I had put them on the right path and they knew where to go, but those who through one mistake or the other were behind bars, away from family and friends.

In the 2 years before Covid, a few of my former youths in church had gone behind bars and I had this urgency to go into the prison ministry, so I joined various charities. About the same time God was nudging me to go into Bereavement counselling that I was going to need it very soon. I had always done it in an informal manner, but I knew I needed formal training, so I joined a major national bereavement counselling charity, went through their training and began working as a volunteer.

When Covid struck it then all came together as so many young persons were behind bars cut off from family and friends and even within the prison. Similarly, a lot of people both in and out of prison lost loved ones and I realised why I was being prompted to formalise my bereavement training.

History: God gave me the name “Nuggets of Hope” in the midst of the worldwide Covid pandemic and I started in May 2020, reaching out to people online and in writing (through a prison network), and telephone for a bereavement care. I also started empowering others through a weekly Bible Study titled Rhema Time and a monthly women’s meeting titled Ladies Meet where we discuss matters relating to women.

The 3 Arms of Nuggets of Hope

  • Community Outreach: Focuses on Prison Ministry, Quarterly Community Discourse and collaboration with other ministries.
  • Empowerment Arm: Sharing God’s word through Rhema time and Ladies Meet.
  • Hopeside Counselling: Spreading hope through bereavement and general counselling.

Our Principles: Nuggets of Hope is built on 3 principles, namely empowerment, support and prayer. We empower by spreading the knowledge of the word of God and support by assisting in applying it to everyday living. We offer specific support around bereavement and general counselling, whilst applying prayer to everything we do. Part of our empowerment program is the quarterly discuss where we discuss topics relevant to today’s world tapping from the knowledge of experts in society.

  • Empowerment 
  • Support                
  • Prayer                    


  • Education through weekly bible studies based on the application of God’s word to everyday living.
  • Empowerment through creation of awareness and general knowledge about health and wellness in all areas through monthly Ladies Meetings and quarterly webinars
  • Support through bereavement and general counselling sessions
  • Prayers for specific situations through 1:1 sessions or prayer requests
  • Speaking engagements to create awareness.
  • Consultations